Friday, June 16, 2017

Back to Florida, Phase 4

While we were at the Pioneer Village, we were overwhelmed by how big it was.  I tried to figure out how to take pictures that would convey just how much stuff was crammed into 20 acres but it was so jam packed that you couldn't get far enough away to take a good overall picture.

As a last resort, I tried taking a movie to show just one floor of one building to really give you a feel for just what an amazing place Pioneer Village was.

The problem with that great idea was that I couldn't figure out how to insert the video into the Blog, so I sent our the Pioneer Village Blog without the video.

Since then, I think I have figured out how to add it to the Blog so I am going to add it to this Blog.  As I started to record the video, I started walking at my normal speed and that may help you visualize just how big the place really is.

After recovering over night from our ordeal at Pioneer Village, we headed out for a full day of driving.

Along the way, we happened across the Strategic Air Command  Museum, west of Omaha, and had to stop for a quick look around.

It was really cold and windy and this was a good day to drive and to do indoor activities like visit another museum.

Inside was a very large display of military aircraft.  

Right inside the front doors was a great display of an SR-71 spy plane.

F-4 Phantom

We had the same problem here that we had at Pioneer Village.  They had so many planes crammed into the huge hangar that there was no way to take good pictures of any one airplane.

B-58 Hustler

B-29 Lucky Lady

F-86 Sabre hanging from ceiling.

KC-10 Extender model

A long time ago, I took my nephew, Josh, for an airplane ride.

Later, we went for a helicopter ride.

Before I knew it, he was all grown up and was a Major in the Air Force Reserve flying KC-10's.

Here are some internet photos of the KC-10 in action.

He also flies full time for FedEx, and we are very proud of him!!!

There was also a very interesting memorial to 911 at the SAC museum.

We enjoyed our visit to the SAC museum and it was a good reminder of what so many people have sacrificed over the years so that we can be free to drive all over this great country and share our adventures with you.

We continued on for an overnight stop in Dubuque, Iowa before our next leg which took us to our favorite destination of all time . . . . . . . House on the Rock.

See you next time,

Tom & Suzie 

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